Corrections & Clarifications

Below is our list of corrections and/or clarifications to articles published in the North Texas Catholic newsmagazine or posted on the North Texas Catholic website. We thank you for being our readers and for your patience and understanding.

May/June 2024

  1. Carrying their crosses together, Page 44: Theresa Nguyen lived with her in-laws for a year after, not before her marriage to Thang Nguyen as erroneously mentioned in the "Family of Faith" subheading. 


January/February 2024
  1. Guiados Por el Rosario, Page 52: Claudia Azua and Marina Ortiz Gonzalez were attributed to incorrect parishes. Claudia Azúa is a parishioner of the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Mineral Wells and Marina Ortiz González is of the St. Matthew Parish in Arlington. 
  2. Now and Ten, Page 34-35: Bishop Olson has ordained 22 men, not 29 men as mentioned in the story.  

September/October 2021

  1. Who's ready for school, Page 10: The young girl in the bottom photograph was misidentified. She is Karmen Fonkeng.
  2. Making a greater impact, Page 11: The amount of the Annual Diocesan Appeal grant was actually $204,000 not $176,000 as mentioned in the first paragraph of the story.