Alex Aleman giving his all, all the time
Alex Aleman from St. John the Apostle Catholic School in North Richland Hills, Jan. 18, 2019. (NTC/Ben Torres)
Seventh grader Alex Aleman values his school so much that he volunteered many hours of his free time last summer to help out at St. John the Apostle Catholic School in North Richland Hills.
“I was looking for volunteer opportunities for the summer, and I thought the best opportunity for involvement would be at school,” Alex said.
Two of Alex’s sisters, both students at Nolan Catholic High School and graduates of St. John’s, also helped at the school. The three siblings would go to St. John’s with their mother Nancy Aleman, who works at the church’s child care center. The kids would attend morning Mass and then paint caution lines in the parking lot or help with clerical tasks in the office.
Alex said he truly appreciates his education.
“Honestly, it’s the opportunities that are available that you can’t get anywhere else,” he said. “You get a family sort of connection, and the teachers really help you.”
His parents also value the Catholic education their children receive.
Nancy Aleman said, “We believe they can succeed in math and English and social studies anywhere, but for us it’s education in their faith. God is for them in their whole day.”
Dad Lawrence Aleman agreed, “It’s school and home working together to reinforce that faith.”
Daughters Sophia, 19 and a student at Texas A&M University, Paulina, 17, and Cristina, 15, and Alex, 13, all have attended Catholic schools from preschool through high school.
The Alemans treasure the closeness of the staff and families and the prayer support school officials supply and encourage in and out of the classroom.
For instance, Paulina Aleman was mentioned during school prayers on a recent day because she was traveling to Washington, D.C., with a group from Nolan to participate in the national March for Life.
Nancy Aleman said, “They pray for us and we pray for them. We’re talking like family because the school is like family.”
As for academics and activities, Alex is an excellent student who has so many interests he has trouble deciding which of them he may want to pursue as a career.
He recently won awards in the school and diocesan science fairs, and he competes on the school’s Math Counts team. In his spare time, he loves to read, and he’s teaching himself Italian and Hebrew using Duolingo.
Alex also enjoys all the sports at St. John’s but his favorite is basketball.
His teachers said the 13-year-old is a leader in the classroom and on the court.
Math teacher Amanda Madl, who also coaches the Math Counts team, said Alex has a great work ethic, a positive attitude, and never quits.
Suzanne Paulo, a social studies and literature teacher, said, “He’s enthusiastic about everything he does. He doesn’t do anything half way.
“He gives it his all every day.”