Look and learn: Catholic schools in Fort Worth
Part 1 of 4 - Catholic Schools in Fort Worth
From January 28 — February 3, 2018 the 19 schools in the Diocese of Fort Worth will celebrate the faith-driven focus, high academic standards, and priority on service that define Catholic education.
During Catholic Schools Week — a joint project of the U.S. bishops and the National Catholic Education Association — the schools will host several events like Masses, service projects, book fairs, intergenerational activities, and career days, but also open houses for families, parishioners, and other community members.
“The open houses at our diocesan schools are a great opportunity for parents to see all that our schools have to offer their families: an education experience that encompasses the whole child and the whole family,” said Erin Vader, coordinator of Schools Advancement and Alumni Relations.
To learn more about Catholic schools in our diocese, their open house dates, financial aid, and registration deadlines, please visit fwdioc.org/catholic-schools. As we lead up to Catholic Schools Week, we will publish mini-features on all of our schools, beginning with these in Fort Worth:
All Saints Catholic School
All Saints Catholic School is a dual language immersion Catholic school serving students in PK3- 8th grades. Our dual language program is in partnership with Boston College’s Roche Center for Catholic Education and currently goes through 1st grade. With a commitment to faith, academics, and service, we are a learning community preparing our students to be bilingual and bi-literate global citizens of the 21st century.
- Grades: PreK3 - 8
- 2006 N. Houston St., Fort Worth, TX 76164
- 817-624-2670
- Website: ascsfw.org
- Open house: January 28, 2018 from 10 am – 4 pm
Cassata Catholic High School
NTC photo/Juan Guajardo
Cassata is a coeducational Catholic high school with a nurturing staff that provides a rigorous curriculum for students who desire a unique, customized environment that prepares them for college and their chosen career path.
Cassata's open enrollment, self-paced learning, and flexible schedule enable students of all backgrounds to raise their secondary education, and become healthy, independent, productive citizens.
- Grades: 9-12
- 1400 Hemphill St., Fort Worth, TX 76104
- 817-926-1745
- Website: cassatahs.org
- Open house: January 17, 2018 from 5 – 9 pm
Holy Family Catholic School
Learn, Serve, and Lead! Our school community is mighty, cohesive, and enveloped in love, compassion, kindness, and consideration evidenced in the students, parents, faculty, and staff. We are family — Holy Family is always looking to serve one another in the loving spirit of Jesus. We are the eyes, ears, and hands of Jesus in the world.
Students receive an outstanding education from a loving staff that cares for each child’s needs while promoting a strong sense of Catholicism.
- Grades: PreK3-8
- 6146 Pershing Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76107
- 817-737-4201
- Website: hfcsfw.org
- Open house: January 28, 2018 from 10 am – 2 pm
Nolan Catholic High School
Nolan Catholic High School is a ministry of the Diocese of Fort Worth providing a college preparatory education and evangelizing students to be tomorrow's servant leaders through: Education in Faith, Formation in Hope, and, Perseverance in Charity. At Nolan Catholic High School, we believe in the transformative power of Catholic education. We work with students to attain their highest God-given potential by teaching Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. At Nolan Catholic we work with families to ensure their children are the next generation of leaders in our community.
- Grades: 9 – 12
- 4501 Bridge St., Fort Worth, TX 76103
- 817-457-2920
- Website: nolancatholic.org
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School
For over a hundred years, Our Lady of Victory Catholic School has provided a faith-filled, close-knit community for the students of South Fort Worth. Founded by the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur in 1910, OLV has evolved with the city from an all-girls boarding school to a co-ed community that provides one-on-one attention for its students. OLV views itself as a partner with parents in the formation of their children: in faith, in academic education, and in their growth as citizens. In support of the family, OLV plans special gatherings throughout the year, catering to the whole family, allowing the community to grow in support of one another. OLV is a family of families.
- Grades: PreK3 - 8
- 3320 Hemphill St., Fort Worth, TX 76110
- 817-924-5123
- Website: olvfw.com
- Open house: January 31, 2018 at 6 - 7 pm
St. Andrew Catholic School
NTC photo/Jayme Shedenhelm
Every year, St. Andrew Catholic School chooses a theme for faith formation; the theme this year is ‘unity.’ One of our favorite Church hymns includes the refrain: “We are One Body. One Body in Christ. And We Do Not Stand alone.” These lyrics, based on chapter 12 of Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, are so comforting — especially in a school. In the classroom, it is reassuring for students to know they are not alone. They are united in the Body of Christ with their classmates, their teachers, the staff and the administration. Parents are also a vital part of the Saint Andrew Catholic School family which is manifested in their support and partnership.
- Grades: PreK3-8
- 3304 Dryden Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76109
- 817-924-8917
- Website: standrewsch.org
- Open house: January 31, 2018 from 10 am – 1 pm
St. George Catholic School
NTC photo/Jayme Shedenhelm
St. George Catholic School, a ministry of St George Catholic Church, is a multicultural community serving children in the Fort Worth metropolitan area by providing a diverse education in a safe, supportive environment promoting Catholic values, academic excellence, and social responsibility.
- Grades: PreK3-8
- 824 Hudgins St., Fort Worth, TX 76111
- 817-222-1221
- Website: stgeorgecatholicschool.org
- Open house: January 28, 2018 from 8:30 am – 3 pm
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School lives by the tenets of its mission statement every day. As an inviting Catholic community, the school not only has dedicated and focused teachers, but it adds supplemental, web-based instruction tailored to specific student needs. By providing a challenging academic curriculum, the school shows students that they all can succeed in their God-given strengths. St. Peter the Apostle also gives students unlimited opportunities to grow in virtue through service organizations, student leadership roles, and real-life encounters with members of our parish and wider community.
- Grades: PreK-8
- 1201 S. Cherry Lane, Fort Worth, TX 76108
- 817-246-2032
- Website: spsfw.org
- Open house: January 28, 2018 from 10 am – 1 pm
St. Rita Catholic School
For over 60 years, St. Rita Catholic School has provided a quality education in a nurturing and diverse environment. Our school students are the center of a multicultural community with the highest African-American student percentage, a substantial Vietnamese student population from neighbor parish Our Lady of Fatima, as well as Hispanic, Burmese, Caucasian, and mixed ethnicities represented. Each year, we celebrate our diversity with an International Fair and Mass. With a small but dedicated 27 member staff, St. Rita offers a 14:1 student-teacher ratio, rich core curriculum, and rigorous enrichment classes in Spanish, music, technology, physical education, band, as well as extracurricular activities in robotics, PSIA, and athletics.
- Grades: PreK3-8
- 712 Weiler Blvd., Fort Worth, TX 76112
- 817-451-9383
- Website: saintritaschool.net
- Open house: January 29, 2018 at 5 pm