Lord, I want to see

North Texas Catholic
(Jun 21, 2017) Faith-Inspiration

I . Love. Movies. I love going to the movies, the environment, the popcorn smell, the plush seats that have the ability to recline (like, seriously? When did this become a thing? Because I’m loving it.)

I love the overpriced candy that is somehow justified because, hello, we’re at the MOVIES, of course a tiny pack of three Starbursts is going to cost $7.50! That makes sense!

More than anything, I love being transported into a different world and imagination. Movies have the capability of making the viewer see the world in a different perspective. It’s almost like a “what if this were the case” scenario. 

Hollywood can have a fantastic way of making you, the viewer, see the world how they want you to see it. That’s not bad in and of itself. However, I know that I don’t belong in this world… that I was created for more. If I recognize that I was created for eternity, then I want to have the sense to view this world as something that is passing; something that will fade away… and I want to view the world how God sees it. I want to have God-minded vision.

This column could quite possibly turn into a rant/vent session, but I’m just so fed up with the present culture telling me that I’m idiotic for believing in an invisible person in the sky; that somehow I’m wasting my life dedicated to a man who lived 2,000 years ago; or that, I’m foolish and uneducated for adhering to a set of archaic rules and regulations.

I’m tired of trying to live up to what society says should be the norm for people my age. I’m exhausted from chasing cheap thrills that don’t satisfy and leave me feeling more empty and alone. I’m worn out from living my life safely instead of being the daring missionary the Lord is calling me to be. 

I want to be like the blind beggar at Jericho (Luke 18:35-43). Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” The beggar could have said, “I want to be rich,” or, “I just want something to eat,” or even, “I want to feel confident….” but no, he went for the big daddy of miracles, a miracle that would be painfully obvious if it didn’t work — the blind man asked for his sight. “Lord, I want to see.” 

Modern society and culture are trying to push a picture of what they want me to see — a life only living for myself, believing in whatever truths I want to, or doing whatever I can to be happy — and yet, I find myself calling out to Jesus asking, “Lord I want to see how you see.” I so desire to see the world, my neighbor, and myself how God sees.

I want to live my life with so much faith that I become blind to what the world is trying to show me and I want to SEE how God sees. 

Maybe you’re in the same boat as me. Maybe you’re not. Practically, you might be asking, how can I do that when I do, in fact, live in the world!? Here are some practical steps I’ve taken to have a God-centered vision:


Bible Verse Art (Courtesy/Ali Hoffman)

Dedicated prayer life

If I want to see the world how God sees, then I have to know how God thinks. I have to try and understand the plan He has in mind, and I have to get to know my God. A daily prayer life isn’t some small suggestion, it’s a necessity. I know myself well enough that if I don’t take at least 15 minutes of personal prayer time daily connecting with my Savior, then my whole day seems off. My day can become a long agenda of tasks I need to get done, instead of being open to be moved how the Holy Spirit wants me to be moved.

Frequenting the sacraments

The sacraments are visible signs of an invisible God. They are used by the “Holy Spirit to spread the grace of Christ the head throughout the Church which is his Body” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 774). When I frequent the sacraments, particularly reconciliation and the Eucharist, I am given the grace to live this life and see this world how God sees it. I am strengthened with Heavenly Bread on this pilgrimage journey. I need the grace from the sacraments to open my eyes to how much I need Jesus in this life.


I was not made to live this life by myself. I was not created to love Jesus and forget my neighbor. I am a part of the Body of Christ, which means that those around me are my brothers and sisters. I need to surround myself with like-minded individuals who will journey with me on this mission to bring the Kingdom of God to the world. This is not an exclusive club because Jesus came to save everyone. However, what I surround myself with, and more importantly who I surround myself with, has an impact on how I view the world. Jesus had 12 disciples he taught, traveled, and did life with. He invested in those close relationships so that when the time came, they were sent out and changed the world. A solid community is important because when trials come in your life, which they will, you will have the support and encouragement of your community to remind you to see the world how God sees it and to see yourself how God sees you. That is so important. You were not created to be a lone island…

These are just a few tips and suggestions I have found to help me see what God wants me to see. In no way am I perfect or a saint…… yet (pray for me!), however, the idea of sanctification, of spending eternity in perfect bliss and joy united with my Savior forever and ever is not some far-out idealistic concept. It can be a reality, and the joy of that thought makes me want to bring the whole world with me.

Like I said, I love the movies, they are so inventive and imaginative, however, they’re passing, and as much as I love viewing the world through other people’s eyes, ultimately, I want to view the world through the eyes of its Creator. Lord, I want to see…

movies, popcorn, loving God, God-minded vision, sacraments, trending-english