St. Andrew Parish dedicates shrine to unborn, crowns Marian statue

FORT WORTH — On May 2, St. Andrew Parish in Fort Worth held a May crowning and dedicated its new shrine to the unborn.
The shrine was conceived about three years ago by St. Andrew Pastor, Father Jim Gigliotti, TOR, and the Knights of Columbus Council 9868 completed the project, which is located just outside the parish’s Adoration chapel. Father Daniel Pattee, TOR, who dedicated the shrine, said the friars hope the shrine brings about an awareness of the gift of life from conception until the end of life.
“We are so grateful to the Knights,” said Fr. Pattee, and he praised them for being “so pro-life and so dedicated” to protecting the sanctity of life.
The shrine’s dedication to the unborn puts lives lost to abortion “front and center,” according to the parochial vicar, but he also anticipates the shrine will comfort those grieving a miscarriage or stillborn baby.
The shrine includes statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph with an empty manger.
Students from St. Andrew Catholic School and the parish’s religious education program crowned the statue of Mary outside the parish office to honor the Blessed Mother in the month dedicated to her.
“It’s appropriate to enter May by acknowledging Mary,” the friar continued. He pointed out that she symbolizes new life in the world, and May is during the season of blooms and new life in nature.
Honoring Mary by crowning her with flowers acknowledges “the role she played in our salvation, our redemption,” said Fr. Pattee.
Fr. Dan Pattee, TOR, leads a procession towards a new shrine at St. Andrew Parish May 2, 2021. (NTC/Jayme Donahue).