St. Francis of Assisi Parish celebrates 75th year with Eucharistic Procession
GRAPEVINE — On Saturday, June 1, St. Francis of Assisi Parish observed the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ with a Eucharistic procession and their annual cookout picnic.
“The sacrament of the Eucharist is the greatest of sacraments,” Father Sojan George said in his homily. “The Eucharist is not just a symbol of Christ's presence with us. It is not just a reminder of Christ's self-offering in the past. No, Jesus Christ is truly present in the sacrament.”
He patiently emphasized the importance of bowing or kneeling before receiving the Blessed Sacrament. A firm reminder for the group of communicants about to receive the Eucharist for the first time, yes, but also for the congregation, who Fr. George said, may sometimes forget to venerate the gift they receive each Sunday.
“We have prayed throughout this year to reawaken our wonder at this divine presence,” the pastor said. “Let us continue to pray that we will be reawakened in this divine presence and that we will continue to grow in our love and reverence for the holy Christ.”
The prayer hints at the community’s progress in developing a love for the Eucharist, a focus they adopted in celebration of the Grapevine Parish’s 75th anniversary. Along with the creation of a parish directory and the growth of their youth ministry, the parish faithful have been hard at work to improve their catechetical and theological understanding, said Angela Walters, a St. Francis of Assisi parishioner of more than 60 years.
“I get Godbumps when I think of how much we’ve grown,” Walters said as she gazed at the crowd of 100 or more parishioners with their families enjoying the picnic. The faith community includes parishioners from various backgrounds. Over the years, she said, her childhood parish has grown in population, building size, and faith. Walters said many have told her the parish feels akin to coming home.
Parishioners Lupita Gevara and Patricia Barrera can attest to the parish’s growth, mentioning that this 75th year marks the parish’s first women’s retreat to be held entirely in Spanish.
“The retreat is called the Bienvenidos Retiro, and it will be held in August,” Barrera said. “We are so excited for it.”
The anniversary commemorations will culminate with the celebration of Mass by Bishop Michael Olson at St. Francis of Assisi on October 5, a day after the feast day of their patron saint.