Take 5 with Father: United with God Every Day
HE IS: Father Bose Jujuvarapu, HGN, parochial vicar of Sacred Heart Parish in Seymour and St. Mary of the Assumption Parish in Megargel since December 2018.
GROWING UP: Fr. Bose was raised in a remote village in Andhra Pradesh, India, where Mass was only celebrated a few times each year when a priest visited. His father and mother, “a woman of prayer,” taught the faith to Fr. Bose and his older sister and brother.
CELEBRATING MASS: Fr. Bose cherishes the “great celebration” of childhood Masses. When word spread that a priest was coming, he would walk with his family to church, sit in front of the altar, and enjoy a community meal afterwards.
AN EARLY CALL: His infrequent but impactful contact with priests led the seven-year-old to tell his parents, “I want to be a priest. My life should be like that — sacrificing my life to God — not about me but for others.”
MATURING IN FAITH: As a youth, Fr. Bose spent Sundays, vacations, and summers accompanying priests in their daily ministry.
GOOD NEWS: Fr. Bose entered the seminary for the Heralds of Good News Missionary Society on his 15th birthday. Although he hadn’t considered becoming a priest in a missionary order, “God has a plan to make life fruitful.”
ROAD BLOCK?: In 2008, the seminarian felt unwell and was diagnosed with Type I diabetes. Fear set in, “because as missionary priests, you should be strong in spirit, strong in health.”
Fr. Bose said the devil introduced doubt that he would become a priest. He spent hours in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament as he awaited the rector’s decision on whether he could remain in seminary. He heard Jesus saying, “I chose you for this. Don’t be afraid. I am with you.”
HOLY ORDERS: April 5, 2011.
IT'S A DATE: Father Bose initiated a Mass in honor of the Blessed Mother on the First Saturday of the month, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
BEST THING ABOUT BEING A PRIEST: “When I celebrate Mass, I touch God every day; I’m united with God every day. It’s the greatest joy you can imagine.”