Young men invited to Lenten discernment nights
FORT WORTH — High school and college-aged men are invited to a series of Lenten discernment nights which will begin with a Holy Hour at 6 p.m. followed by a free dinner and discussion on prayer, seminary life, and the priesthood.
One or more priests will attend, along with two seminarians, and will be available for questions and conversation.
The discernment evenings are from 6 - 8 p.m. at St. Patrick Cathedral on five Thursday evenings during Lent:
- February 18
- February 25
- March 4
- March 11
- March 18
Father Maurice Moon, chaplain of Nolan Catholic High School and a vocations liaison, said Lent is an appropriate time for discernment because in this season of repentance and conversion we “put our focus on God more intently, so it’s a great opportunity for men to come to these discernment nights and to pray together and to allow the Lord to speak to them in their hearts.”
Fr. Moon expects discussion topics to include prayer and different ways to pray, what is discernment, how does one discern a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, and what life is like as a priest and as a seminarian.
Listening to God in prayer is critical to discerning a vocation, and the evening begins with a Holy Hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Moon noted the importance of being “able to talk to God face to face, to see Him and just adore — to be in silence. It’s so necessary to hear God speaking to us in the silence of our hearts.”
“God will give us many graces during Lent — this is a great opportunity to receive any graces to help figure out what He wants of us in our lives,” he continued.
Young men are welcome to attend as many evenings as they are able, as the discussion topics will vary. To RSVP, email or call 817-945-9321.
Older men are encouraged to contact the vocations office for individual conversation.