Local 40 Days for Life campaign closes with answered prayers

North Texas Catholic
(Nov 5, 2019) Local

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Pro-lifers attend the closing rally of Fort Worth's 40 Days for Life campaign Nov. 3 (NTC/Rodger Mallison)

FORT WORTH — 40 Days for Life held its closing rally on Sunday Nov. 3 in front of the same Planned Parenthood abortion facility where it began 40 days prior.

“Ultimately our goal is for an end of abortion,” Fort Worth Campaign Coordinator Bobby Warren said. “Our goal is to be a witness on the sidewalk for those who might be considering abortion. It’s amazing how just seeing someone pray can move a heart in the direction of the Lord and to make a decision [in favor of] life.”

About 40 people gathered along the sidewalks of John Ryan Drive in south Fort Worth, praying in front of Planned Parenthood for the first part of the rally. Small children played while adults silently prayed. Some had brought signs stating “Pray to end abortion.”

The same pickup truck which had been used as a platform for the speakers at the opening rally sat across the street from Planned Parenthood once again. After thirty minutes of prayer, Warren stepped into the back of the truck and spoke to the crowd.

Participants in Fort Worth's 40 Days for Life campaign gather for prayer outside Planned Parenthood in Southwest Fort Worth Nov. 3. (NTC/Rodger Mallison)

According to Warren, the rally was largely successful over the previous 40 days. The abortion facility was “quiet,” judging from reports by Saturday volunteers and his own observations.

This year, 40 Days for Life had more than 6,000 campaigns across the world with over 1 million participants, 350 of whom took part in the Fort Worth campaign by signing up to pray around-the-clock since Sept. 25, Warren said.

According to Warren, the Fort Worth group intends to continue growing throughout the next year. Although they will still be associated with 40 Days for Life, they will stretch their outreach to year-round programming in an effort to continue the engagement and prayer that occurs during 40 Days for Life.

“It’s often hard to know the seeds that you planted, but I certainly know that we accomplished a lot in being present, in being a visible witness for life out on the sidewalk for these 40 days,” Warren said.

40 Days for Life, ends, closes, prayers, rosary, pro-life, respect life, trending-english