Children's book explores relationship between Simon Peter and Jesus
“Peter and Jesus by a Charcoal Fire” by Maura Roan McKeegan, illustrated by Gina Capaldi (2023, Emmaus Road Publishing) 40 pp., $18.95
“Peter and Jesus by a Charcoal Fire” by Maura Roan McKeegan is a beautiful read-along picture book. It will become cherished by parents who really want to teach their little children something more than “Jesus was a real nice man.”
From the time he could talk, I spoke to my son, DeForeest, about Jesus. I told him about Jesus’ teaching, His parables, His miracles, and most especially, His love. He came also to enjoy Simon Peter, Jesus’ impetuous, funny, but loyal friend. It grieved his toddler’s heart to learn that Peter had pretended not to know Jesus when his friend was in danger.
The Gospel episode is well presented in this book written for toddlers to teach them about love, making mistakes, and being forgiven. Aided by the wonderfully evocative watercolors painted by Gina Capaldi, parents can show how Peter, warming himself by a charcoal fire, lost his courage the night Jesus needed him.
On an early spring morning in Galilee, Simon Peter and other disciples had been fishing all night but caught nothing. Jesus told them to let down their nets again and, wonder of wonders, the net was filled with fish.
When they got back to shore, Jesus was already cooking fishes — over a charcoal fire. While they breakfasted, Jesus asked Simon Peter three times if he loved Him and Peter said he did. This is what Jesus wanted in order to make up for Simon Peter’s earlier lack of courage. God always forgives those who truly love Him.