On the Fourth Sunday of Advent

North Texas Catholic
(Dec 3, 2024) Faith-Inspiration

Micah 5:1-4a
Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-45

Sometimes, I find it difficult to know exactly how to prepare my heart for Christmas. 

My mind is often focused on preparing for Christmas in all the external ways: What plans do I need to make? What gifts do I need to purchase? Is my home ready for visitors? When will I be able to decorate?

I look at the grand celebrations of the Christmas season and create a task list to check off as the day approaches. There is much to be done in order to be ready, and I know that if I complete the items on my list, I will be ready for the event of Christmas.

But, the preparation of my heart works differently. When I try to make a “task list” for this internal preparation, I find myself arriving at Christmas coming up short. So, here I am asking myself again:

What should I do to be ready for Jesus’ arrival?

“Lord, make us turn to You; let us see Your face and we shall be saved” (Psalms 80:4).

The readings for this fourth Sunday of Advent help me have a clearer understanding of how I can prepare my heart for the arrival of our Savior. Preparing my heart is not like preparing for the externals of Christmastime. There isn’t a task list to check off, no actions to perform that will assure me I am ready. 

Psalm 80 reminds me that this readiness can be found solely by turning myself toward God. 

To be ready to accept His Son, I must align myself with Him, gaze upon His face, and trust He will give me a new birth with Christ at Christmas.

Since I need God’s help to fully devote myself, one of the best ways to prepare for Christmas is by receiving the sacrament of reconciliation. 

When I examine my conscience, confess my sins, and receive absolution, I am given new life with Christ. 

During Advent, especially in these final days, I am empowered to ask for God’s help so I can have new life when celebrating Jesus’ birth. 

Upon receiving Christ, — as Mary did in the Annunciation, as Elizabeth and her son John did in today’s Gospel — I too can be filled with the Holy Spirit and leap for joy.


  • What areas of my life need more alignment with God?
  • How can I actively seek His guidance in those areas during this final week of Advent?

Find more Advent Reflections here

Erika Bunt

Erika Bunt is the director for campus ministry at Nolan Catholic High School. Find more information here.

Advent, reflections, Christ's birth, Christmas, trending-english