Saint Maria Goretti Catholic School Day proclaimed in Arlington
Chris Salcedo, a parent of a former SMG student speaks at an assembly. The city of Arlington proclaimed August 14th "SMG Catholic School Day" in celebration of 70 years since its founding during a program at St. Maria Goretti Catholic School Wednesday, August 14, 2024.(NTC/Richard W. Rodriguez)
ARLINGTON — The first day of school is filled with excitement: seeing old friends, meeting new teachers, and opening brand new school supplies.
Students and faculty of a Catholic school in Arlington had an extra cause for excitement on August 14: the day was officially Saint Maria Goretti Catholic School Day in the city of Arlington.

Students learned of the special honor at a morning assembly, where Arlington City Councilman Raul Gonzalez; Superintendent of Catholic Schools Dr. Melissa Kasmeier-Millard; Principal Amy Utendorf, and others spoke.
In his official proclamation, Arlington Mayor Jim Ross cited the Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur, who founded the school in 1954. The document states, “The moral guidance, Catholic atmosphere, and expectation of academic excellence the Sisters instilled are very much a part of the educational experience at Saint Maria Goretti.”
The proclamation also notes that the school’s students volunteer and fundraise for Mission Arlington and the Arlington Animal Shelter.
Having “provided a quality Catholic education for the last 70 years,” the proclamation concludes, “we look forward to celebrating another 70 years of this community staple.”