Sister Mary Dorothy Powers, SSMN, educator and administrator, dies at 88

North Texas Catholic
(Aug 30, 2024) Local

Sister Dorothy Powers at podium

Sister Mary Dorothy Powers reads from Scripture as Bishop Michael Olson celebrates Mass for the 65th anniversary of vows of five sisters to the Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur, Sunday, September 15, 2019. (NTC/Rodger Mallison)

FORT WORTH — Sister Mary Dorothy Powers always remembered her first day as a Sister of St. Mary of Namur. She was 18 years old and had just finished her freshman year in college. Waiting outside the convent doors with her on August 12, 1954, were 12 other young women.

“The sisters welcomed us in and we put on black dresses and black net veils,” recalled Sr. Dorothy in a 2014 interview. “We came back out to greet our families as newly entered postulants then marched into the chapel for evening prayer. Our new life had begun.”

For the next 70 years, until her death on August 28 at the age of 88, Sr. Dorothy embraced her religious order’s mission to serve God and others with a simplicity of heart.

Members of the congregation will welcome friends for a recitation of the Rosary on Monday, September 2 at 4 p.m. at the Our Lady of Victory (OLV) Center, 909 W. Shaw St. in Fort Worth followed by visitation and a wake at 7 p.m.

A Mass of Christian Burial is set for Tuesday, September 3 at 10:30 a.m. at the OLV Center. Father John Shanahan, TOR, will officiate. Interment is in Mount Olivet.

Sister Dorothy’s career as a school teacher/administrator spanned from 1957 to 1974 and included time as a Spanish teacher at Nolan Catholic High School, principal of Holy Name of Jesus School in Fort Worth, and principal of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Wichita Falls.

Fluent in Spanish — a skilled honed by studying language and literature in Mexico City — the late sister spent a large portion of her years in ministry serving the Hispanic population. Along with Sister Gabriela Martinez, SSMN, she co-founded the order’s mission in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, where they conducted literacy classes, facilitated Scripture study classes, trained catechists, and held sacramental preparation classes.

Sister Mary Dorothy Powers, SSMN (NTC file photo, Juan Guajardo)

Reflecting on her time working in Hispanic ministry as she celebrated her 70th anniversary as an SSMN, Sr. Dorothy told the North Texas Catholic one of her greatest joys was working with Spanish-speaking people because, “it broadens my vision of God,” noting “it’s a culture of hospitality, welcome, and enthusiasm.”

In 1978, Sr. Dorothy became involved in pastoral ministry for the Diocese of Fort Worth, serving first at St. Philip the Apostle where she trained formation teams for baptism and RCIA and then director of religious education at St. Maria Goretti Parish. She also worked as Director of Children’s Catechesis and Catechist Formation for the diocese, ensuring every parish had the resources, training, and support needed for faith formation in both English and Spanish.

For many years, Sr. Dorothy provided spiritual direction and guided retreats at the Catholic Renewal Center for people thirsting for God. In her own congregation, she held the position of provincial superior for the western province from 2002 to 2005 and was, most recently, a regional councilor.

“Sr. Dorothy continued to lead by life and example always presenting ideas and resources,” according to Sister Charles Marie Serafino, SSMN. “Every Tuesday, she came to the OLV Center at 4 p.m. to lead the sisters in a time of spiritual reflection. She was a beloved, cherished member of our community and we mourn her passing.”

As news of Sr. Dorothy’s death reached friends and members of the international religious order, sisters at the OLV Center received a flurry of emails paying tribute to the educator’s life.

A sister from the SSMN Province in England wrote: “We all have such happy memories of Dorothy — her love of life, warmth, keen sense of humor, quick wit, thoughtfulness, towering intelligence, and spiritual depth. She had such a wonderful capacity for friendship.”

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur Western Province at 909 W. Shaw St. Fort Worth, Texas 76110.

Sister Mary Dorothy Powers, SSMN, Sister of Saint Mary of Namur, Our Lady of Victory Convent, trending-english